When you are too injured or hurt to perform your normal duties at your place of work, there are a few different types of financial support that you might be eligible to receive. Some of these financial support solutions include the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), state disability benefits, and workers’ compensation. However, knowing which type of financial support you may claim can be the trickiest part of this situation.
Disability Benefits vs. Workers’ Compensation
The benefits of workers’ compensation are often provided to you anytime you get injured or hurt on the job, regardless of who was technically responsible for causing the injury. As it is explained under state laws, the majority of employers are obligated to cover all the injuries that happen to employees on the job. Workers’ comp policies act as an alternative to litigation while still providing financial compensation.
On the other hand, disability benefits can provide injured employees with weekly benefits no matter if they were at work or not. The main difference here for employees is that coverage for a work-related injury comes from the employer’s workers’ compensation policy provider; disability compensation for a non-work injury would come from the government.
Can I Receive Workers’ Comp and Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits Concurrently?
There are special occasions where an injured worker is eligible to receive both workers’ compensation benefits as well as SSDI benefits. If you have a terminal illness or if you are disabled and expect to remain in that way for at least one year, and if you have paid the sufficient amount of funds to be covered under SSDI, you may be eligible to receive both the workers’ comp and SSDI payments.
Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation and Unemployment Benefits Concurrently?
In most cases, you cannot get unemployment benefits while also receiving workers’ compensation payments for a temporary disability. If the doctor finds you unfit to get back to work, you may be able to receive unemployment benefits if your employer’s workers’ compensation carrier refuses to pay partial disability.
Do You Need a Lawyer?
The entire process of determining your compensation benefits can be difficult to navigate. If you are still dealing with the aftermath of the illness or injury, it can be more difficult. Consider getting the help of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to receive the correct amount of money you are entitled.
A work injury lawyer from Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt. will meet and evaluate your case and then provide you with the legal options you may have.