Getting Ready for a Rideshare Accident Consultation

Getting Ready for a Rideshare Accident Consultation

Getting Ready for a Rideshare Accident Consultation

Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Over the last decade, rideshare services have increasingly allowed people in New York to travel more conveniently. However, rideshare services – like any transportation services – are inherently risky. While there is freedom in being able to spend time commuting from one location to another lounging in the back of a vehicle, there is a loss of control in assuming that the driver you’ve hired will operate their vehicle as safely as they possibly can. They may be a better driver than you are and they may not be.

Additionally, Uber and Lyft passengers struggle with the same safety risks that all road travelers do. Even if a rideshare driver is an excellent motor vehicle operator, inclement weather, poor road conditions, and fellow travelers who are drunk, drowsy, distracted, or unreasonably aggressive may place rideshare drivers and passengers alike at risk for a serious collision.

If you’ve recently suffered injuries as a result of a rideshare accident, you’re all too familiar with this reality. Chances are that your phone is now blowing up due to all of the calls that you’re receiving from various insurance representatives, you’re navigating multiple doctor’s appointments for follow-up care, and you’re stressing about the time you’ve had to take off of work in order to heal.

Thankfully, you don’t have to navigate this frustrating and overwhelming crash aftermath on your own. Many personal injury attorneys now practice rideshare law and offer free legal consultations to injury victims who are interested in learning more about their rights and options under the circumstances.

Making the Most of Your Valuable Time and Energy

As an experienced rideshare accident lawyer can confirm, rideshare injury victims too often spend much of a consultation session trying to remember questions, concerns, and details that they wanted to convey.

Due to the fact that you’re healing from serious injuries, your brain and the rest of your body are already working overtime to manage ordinary physical processes. You can both conserve valuable energy and make the most of your free legal consultation time by writing down questions, concerns, and details that you wish to share with a lawyer in advance of your session. Bringing along a list of these thoughts will help you to ensure that you address every point before leaving the office. Making this proactive effort will allow you to benefit from the knowledge that you gathered all the information you’ll need to make informed decisions about your next steps.

Additionally, it is important to gather some information for your lawyer’s benefit before you attend your consultation. By bringing detailed documents – such as photos from the crash scene, emergency room discharge papers, insurance coverage details, the contact information of any insurance representatives who have contacted you, etc., you’ll be able to give your attorney a more personalized sense of what has happened to you. This level of detail will, in turn, allow them to provide you with personalized legal guidance tailored uniquely to your circumstances.

Greenberg Law Offices