Most Americans pay monthly insurance premiums for cars and other property to ensure that they are covered in the event of an accident. However, insurance companies have proven time after time that they are more concerned about their bottom line, and less concerned about helping their customers in a time of need.
If you have been in an auto accident and are preparing to file a claim to recover damages, it is essential that you understand why and how your insurance provider will play hardball with you. These companies have trained insurance claim adjusters whose job is to save the company money by paying out the least amount possible. Often, victims of an accident need to turn to a car accident lawyer trusts to help them fight against the unfair treatment of insurance companies and to get proper compensation for their losses.
Why Insurance Companies Play Hardball with Claimants
A CNN news report has revealed that in the mid-1990s, McKinsey & Co. developed a strategy that allowed insurance companies to increase their profits. The strategy involved delaying, defending, and denying claims. Insurance adjusters work to delay the settlement, deny the claim, and defend against the claim in court to reduce the amount of money paid in compensation to the claimant. The aim of doing this is to force the claimant to either accept a smaller settlement amount or drop the case altogether. They make the entire process time-consuming and costly, which as a result, discourages claimants.
How Insurance Companies Play Hardball with Claimants
There are essentially two insurance providers involved in most of claims: one is for the defendant and the other is your own. The former covers most of the damages, while the latter provides coverage for the remaining expenses. Since the defendant’s insurance company has little to no incentive in providing you fair compensation, they are going to do everything in their power to delay or deny your claim. On the other hand, your insurance company is not on your side either and looking for ways to reduce the amount of your claim.
Here are several reasons that an insurance company may give for reducing, delaying, or denying your claim:
- The defendant was not at fault or comparative negligence does not mandate full compensation, i.e. you were also at fault to some degree.
- You had injuries prior to the accident, and they only worsened with this accident.
- Before you filed a claim for the personal injury from this accident, you had another accident and the injuries are a result of the latter accident.
- You missed several doctor’s appointments, which may indicate that you are not badly injured or you allowed the injuries to worsen to get more compensation.
- The damage to the car is not significant, so there is only a small chance you got hurt badly in the accident.
Before filing a claim for your personal injury from a car accident, it is best you evaluate its worth so that you know whether you are being compensated fairly. An auto accident attorney can help you determine the actual value of your claim and fight for your rights to get the best possible compensation to recover your damages.