The story of a 2011 birth will frighten expectant mothers from Maryland and throughout the United States. It is a case that led to birth injuries so severe that the baby did not survive. Now, the parents of the baby boy have sued two obstetricians for causing the wrongful death of their son.
The parents of the baby contend that the two doctors convinced the couple to proceed with a vaginal delivery, even though the parents preferred that doctors perform a Cesarean section procedure.
Court records pertaining to the lawsuit said that one obstetrician told the couple a month before the baby was delivered prematurely that he would have to be surgically delivered because of his large abdomen. When the woman went into labor about 11 weeks early on March 22, 2011, however, the other doctor insisted they try to deliver the baby vaginally.
The parents contend that the obstetrician also would not leave the hospital while the woman was in labor and seek care from alternate physicians. Eventually, under duress, the woman agreed to attempt the vaginal delivery, according to the lawsuit.
Things turned critical after the infant’s head emerged from the birth canal. His large abdomen got stuck, and after a procedure performed by one doctor, the infant was fatally injured in a gruesome manner, according to the lawsuit.
Although both expectant parents saw blood from the baby spill onto the floor, one doctor then issued the instruction for a C-section, according to the lawsuit, which also added that the procedure was started before the mother was completely under anesthesia.
In their lawsuit, the parents are seeking unspecified damages to reimburse them for medical costs and funeral expenses, as well as a settlement in cases of wrongful death and personal injury. If their baby died in the manner the parents spelled out in the lawsuit, they deserve a settlement after witnessing the horrible way in which they lost their son.