What Qualities To Look For In A Workers’ Compensation Attorney

What Qualities To Look For In A Workers’ Compensation Attorney

What Qualities To Look For In A Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Workers Compensation Law Firm

When an employee is injured while working due to no fault of their own, they might be entitled to workers’ compensation. Ideally, their workplace should be completely supportive, and the employee should receive fair compensation covering expenses like medical bills and lost wages. Unfortunately, complications can arise, like an employee’s claim getting denied. When such issues happen, it’s often time to consult with an attorney. However, you want to be sure you choose the correct workers’ compensation attorney. We’ll explore some traits that should influence your decision: 

  1. Experience 

You want to hire an attorney that brings years of experience to the table, especially regarding workers’ compensation. Ideally, the attorney you hire should have experience dealing with workers’ compensation in your state. While all states have plenty of overlap, differences do exist. For example, different states can have different deadlines. 

  1. Success Winning Cases 

Success “winning” cases can vary across different clients. While attorneys showing up with briefcases in a packed court makes for good television, this portrayal is far from reality. The truth is that most cases, especially if they’re not criminal charges, are settled outside the courtroom. Simply put, both sides don’t want to spend the time and money to go to court. Instead, an employer’s insurance company will be far more willing to negotiate and compromise on a settlement offer. 

  1. Satisfied Clients That Can Vouch 

A potential attorney should always be willing to provide references. While colleagues can make a considerable impression, positive testimonies from previous clients make a much more significant impact. So be sure to ask their references any questions, including the results and how the attorney handled your case. 

  1. Confident That They Can Help You 

The correct attorney should also be confident that they can help you get workers’ compensation and the desired compensation. An honest attorney should tell you if your objectives are realistic and if they’re able to handle your case. Reasons they may not be able to manage your case are that they don’t have experience working on your case’s particularities, they don’t have enough experience, there’s a conflict of interest, or they simply don’t have enough time. 

  1. Willing To Go To Trial If Necessary 

Workers’ compensation attorneys understand that going to trial is generally not the best choice. However, any attorney you hire should be willing to go to trial if necessary. The correct attorney will fight for you and can apply legal pressure if your employer or insurance company isn’t ready to negotiate or provide a fair offer. 

  1. How Well You Can Communicate With Them 

People have different personalities and ways of communicating, and you should get along with your attorney. No, they’re probably not going to become your best friend, but you will see many of them over the next few months or even a year or two. As such, you should feel comfortable communicating with them and asking questions. A workers comp lawyer you’re satisfied with is crucial, something our friends at Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, LLP agrees with. 

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