Personal Injury

Wrongful Death Claim

There have been many instances where someone dies, or is killed due to the misconduct or negligence of another person. The personal representative of the deceased’s estate is who would come forth to file a wrongful death claim, dependent upon the state. States have their own wrongful death statutes that lay the grounds for bringing

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Alimony vs. Child Support: The Facts

The main difference between alimony and child support is the presence of children. Your divorce settlement may require you to pay both alimony and child support, but they are different and you should know where those payments are meant to go. Alimony, or “Spousal Support” Alimony is meant as a financial obligation a court orders

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Top Questions About Car Accident Injuries

After a car accident, people are often overwhelmed with fear, stress and anxiety about how to handle the situation. If you were injured in the accident and believe someone else was at fault, then you probably have a lot of questions about how to recover compensation. The following are some of the most common questions

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Same Sex Divorce

In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage was legal. Same sex marriage is now legally recognized in every state, although it is a pretty new development. Now more people have access to marrying whomever they choose. When more people marry, sadly, there are more divorces. Before the monumental Supreme Court ruling, only

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Proving Fault in a Brain Injury Case

According to the Center for Disease Control, over a million individuals experience brain injuries each year. Whether the brain injury is the result of an accident while driving, playing sports or from slipping on a sidewalk, there are a number of ways that a person could sustain a brain injury. The repercussions of a brain

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What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a painful affliction of the wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, located on the inner, palm side of the wrist, is compressed. This compression creates a very narrow path for optimal nerve function. CTS affects approximately 5% of the U.S. population, but women are more likely to suffer than

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Advantages and Disadvantages to Proffer Agreements in a Federal Criminal Case

  A proffer agreement is a written contract between a federal prosecutor and a criminal defendant or someone who is under investigation, in which the person agrees to provide the government with helpful information about crimes with some assurances that they will be protected against prosecution.  Proffer is also sometimes called “Queen for a day.”

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Greenberg Law Offices