Collecting Child Support When Your Ex Spouse Fails to Pay

Collecting Child Support When Your Ex Spouse Fails to Pay

When children are involved, the process of going through a divorce can be much more stressful. You will have to determine how long it will take for you to receive payments and manage any child support issues that may arise. It can take a long time to collect payments if the child custody battle is a complicated one.

Enforcing Child Support

It’s important to not get discouraged if you are not receiving the child support payments you and your children are entitled to. The child support payments for your child’s care can be collected by several agencies. The following are efforts that can be made to collect the owed payments.

Tax Refund

You may be able to arrange for your ex spouses refund to be sent to you if you know that they will be receiving a sizeable tax refund. A family attorney will be vital in determining if this is possible by looking over the details of your case.  

Jail Time

One repercussion of not making child support payments, or in the event that your ex refuses to pay, is jail time. If you bring your ex to court for failing to pay child support, the judge could sentence him to a period of incarceration.

Wage Garnishment

Another way to collect overdue child support is by garnishing wages if your ex-spouse is employed. If they are self employed or frequently change jobs this can become far more complicated, making child support more difficult to obtain.

Drivers License

If a parent does not make child support payments, they risk the possibility of losing their drivers license. This may motivate an ex spouse to pay back child support if they require a license to get to work.

Child Support Payments Benefit the Child

These days, it can a huge expense to care for a child. They require a number of necessities such as:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • School Supplies
  • Medical Care

Receiving child support payments are helpful with it comes to raising a child. They can offer the custodial parent a sense of financial relief. Child support payments can also help pay for other miscellaneous things like:

  • Extracurricular activities
  • Dance Lessons
  • School Sports i.e. soccer

In some situations children will not be able to benefit from this due to the parent not paying child support payments as agreed. They may not provide child support payments altogether or will make payments late. There are a few options you have in the event that you are not receiving child support payments from your ex. You may be able to receive the payments that you are entitled to for the care of your child with the help and experience of a child custody attorney respects.   

Speak with a child custody attorney if you haven’t been receiving child support payments. They will be able to discuss your options with you.


Greenberg Law Offices