With the holiday season fast approaching, traveling is one of the many things on people’s minds. Many people travel to and from holiday events by driving, therefore it is important to know how to be safe in the winter and ultimately avoid automobile accidents. Preparing your vehicle before leaving is important. Inside the vehicle, keep a packed bag of snacks, money, jumper cables, a blanket, a flashlight, a first aid kit, an ice scraper, and a phone charger. Some of these items could become useful to you if you are stranded in an area for a long period of time. For the car itself, if possible keep a spare tire, keep the gas tank at least half, and make certain the tires are properly inflated. Before leaving, watch weather reports in order to stay informed of the conditions you may face driving to and from your destination. Plan your route according to what roads have been plowed and salted. Try to avoid untreated roads at all costs.
When it comes to driving in the snow, there are many tips you can keep in mind in order to be safe. For one, accelerate and decelerate slowly. Doing so slowly will help maintain or regain traction and avoid skidding. When stopping at a stop light, give yourself time and distance between you and the stopping point. This gives you time to attempt to re-correct your vehicle if it begins to slide. When driving on normal, dry pavement, the following distance is usually three to four seconds. When driving on snow or ice, the following distance should be increased to eight to ten seconds. Accidents can also be prevented by keeping your eyes open to pedestrians and avoid driving fatigued. For driving uphill, do not stop going up a hill. This could cause you to lose traction and slide down the hill. When traveling in the snow or on ice, do not power through by applying extra gas. This will likely only cause your wheels to spin and you to become stuck. If you do become stuck, do not overexert yourself in trying to free your vehicle. The best thing to do is make sure your exhaust pipe is not covered, sit inside your warm vehicle, and call for help.
Even though it is difficult to do during the holiday season, the best way to stay safe while driving in the winter and ultimately to avoid car accidents is by simply staying home. If you do not absolutely need to leave your home, then do not. If you think that you are a well-experienced driver and can handle the winter conditions, remember that others are not and that, as a result, auto accidents can still happen. If you find yourself a victim of a car accident, speak with an experienced Personal Injury attorney such as the Car Accident Lawyer locals turn to. However, prepare yourself by maintaining your vehicle, planning your route the safest way, having items that would be essential to you and your family if you would become stranded or get in an accident . Keep yourself safe while driving by going slow! Give yourself and your vehicle time to adjust to the conditions and elements in order to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Everyone wants to see their loved ones during the holiday season and the only way to ensure that is by being safe.