Potential Injury Risks Of Using Rideshares

Potential Injury Risks Of Using Rideshares

Potential Injury Risks Of Using Rideshares

Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Rideshare companies offer an innovative solution for getting where we need to be quickly and affordably. Instead of having to schedule or hail a cab, all someone has to do is hop on their app and order a ride share ride. Within minutes a driver will meet you at your destination and swiftly haul you to where you need to be. However, these rides are not always safe and you just never know what your driver is going to be like. While taking a rideshare can feel like a limo or luxurious experience, accidents do happen where passengers get seriously injured. 

Just like any other type of vehicular accident, a rideshare accident can cause injuries to the drivers, the passengers, and others who were involved. It’s important that you get medical attention and examined by a doctor so that your injuries can be treated promptly. Even if you do not feel pain or other symptoms right away, it’s still possible that you were injured. What can happen is that when we are put through a really stressful experience, we may not feel the full extent of her injuries until later on.

Common injuries after a rideshare accident tend to include:

  • Whiplash
  • Broken bones
  • Head or brain injuries
  • PTSD, anxiety, depression
  • Wounds and bruising
  • Spinal cord injuries

If you were in a rideshare accident, then you need to seek medical attention right away, and consider talking with a lawyer if you experienced financial loss. Your driver or another driver on the road may have been responsible for the collision, and you were simply just riding a passenger at the time. Who is going to pay for your medical bills? This is an answer that your lawyer can handle for you, as seeking compensation from the at-fault drivers may be an option. Depending on how the accident happened, you may have sustained injury due to:

  • The rideshare driver hitting another car, causing the collision
  • Another car driver hit the rideshare car, causing the collision
  • As a pedestrian you were hit by a car that was operating as a rideshare vehicle

Rideshare companies are different from your traditional taxi companies, in that they require their drivers to use their own personal vehicles and insurance. Rideshare drivers must have liability insurance, but unfortunately it may not be enough to cover you as a passenger. As a rideshare accident lawyer from Cohen Injury Law Group, P.C. explains, rideshare companies have set up how rideshares work in such a way that they avoid liability. Many victims of rideshare accidents find that their claims and complaints sent directly to rideshare companies go ignored. Which is why victims may need a lawyer to intervene and handle this for them instead. 

While we may not be able to avoid rideshares altogether, since cars are a common form of transportation, it’s important to understand the potential risks so that we can take action if we find ourselves having suffered because of it. 

Greenberg Law Offices